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New Law on the Electric Sector

At that time! it was particularly important to address the financial problems of the electricity sector. In order to ensure the stability of this sector and its long-term sustainability ! different regulations were approved during this period:

Royal Decree-Law 1/2012 . It established measures to reduce the tariff deficit! reformed business & consumer mobile numbers database Electric Sector electricity tariffs and included measures for the sustainability of the sector. But it also provided for measures to adjust incentives for renewable energies and to promote competitiveness.
Royal Decree-Law 12/2012 . It affected the activities of generation! transport! distribution! marketing and consumption. It also included measures to reduce system costs and reduce the tariff deficit.

Royal Decree-Law 20/2012

business & consumer mobile numbers database

It focused on measures to ensure budgetary stability and to promote competitiveness. These revolved around two central points: fiscal consolidation and the promotion of structural reforms in the energy sector.
Law 15/2012 on Fiscal Measures for Energy Sustainability . It created the tax on the value of the production of electric energy! the tax on the production of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste resulting from the generation of nuclear power! and the tax on the storage of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in centralized facilities.
In 2013! various energy regulations were approved! such as Royal Decree-Law 2/2013 and Royal Decree-Law 9/2012. Both included urgent measures for the electricity system! in order to guarantee its financial stability.

At the end of 2013 ! Law 24/2013 of 27 December was approved ! which is the minimizing downtime and data loss one that remains in force today. Among its main objectives we can highlight:

Economic sustainability of the system
It established a framework to correct the economic and financial imbalances of the electricity sector ! including accumulated debt and tariff deficit! in order to ensure long-term financial sustainability.

Effectiveness and competitiveness
Promoting an efficient system of generation! distribution and marketing of electricity . At the same time! encouraging competition within the Spanish electricity market.

Integration of renewable energies

This regulation allowed for the efficient integration of renewable ar numbers energies into the electricity system. To this end! a review of the economic incentives established in favour of these energies was carried out ! in order to balance their development with the necessary financial sustainability of the system.

Although this was a major reform of energy regulations! it was not the last. Subsequently! multiple Royal Decrees and Royal Decree-Laws have been issued that have regulated specific issues! such as the cost of financing the social bond or the figure of the vulnerable consumer.

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